So recently I adventured out to the mountains of West Virginia for a little camping pioneer style. This trip was outdoor bliss. Not tents this time but log cabins. While it scares most of us suburbanites to go without electricity or running water it was very energizing to be without cell service, internet, and all of the distractions that keep us accosted in the stresses of modern day living. It was the perfect weekend. Plenty of trails to hike, a lake stocked with fish (although I didn't catch a thing), and a good old fashion porch swing perfect for relaxing and enjoying the evenings.
Log cabin at the Whitchurch-Stouffville MuseumIt is a real experience to light an old fashion wood burning stove without filling the whole cabin with smoke. It took a few of us to get it figured out but it is not exaggeration to say that was the most gratifying breakfast I ever cooked. Keeping it simple and taking pleasure in small comforts. It is a release for the soul. So find your place to unwind and disconnect for a bit. Trust me you will thank yourself later.
Source: oldsweetwatercottage F. Beastie
A wood burning stove is an alternative both to an open fireplace (dangerous, smoky, prone to causing soot damage) and the use of central heating. Indeed, in a well enough planned home, a wood burner can even replace central heating altogether: depending, of course, on the size of the home and the location and quantity of flue pipes leading away from the stove. Wood burning stoves are extremely economical and highly environmentally friendly.Wood burning stoves, as well as saving you money, are a much greener choice than central heating or electric heating. With most central heating systems energy is wasted as empty rooms are heated up; this does not happen with wood burners as they obviously only heat up the one room.