Tuesday, August 30

O Pioneer!

O you youths, Western youths,
So impatient, full of action, full of manly pride and friendship,
Plain I see you Western youths, see you tramping with the foremost,
Pioneers! O pioneers!
Have the elder races halted?
Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the
We take up the task eternal, and the burden and the lesson,
Pioneers! O pioneers!

All the past we leave behind,
We debouch upon a newer mightier world, varied world,
Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march,
Pioneers! O pioneers!

O resistless restless race!
O beloved race in all! O my breast aches with tender love for all!
O I mourn and yet exult, I am rapt with love for all,
Pioneers! O pioneers!

Raise the mighty mother mistress,
Waving high the delicate mistress, over all the starry mistress,
(bend your heads all,)
Raise the fang'd and warlike mistress, stern, impassive, weapon'd
Pioneers! O pioneers!

O you daughters of the West!
O you young and elder daughters! O you mothers and you wives!
Never must you be divided, in our ranks you move united,
Pioneers! O pioneers!

Minstrels latent on the prairies!
(Shrouded bards of other lands, you may rest, you have done your
Soon I hear you coming warbling, soon you rise and tramp amid us,
Pioneers! O pioneers! 

Till with sound of trumpet,
Far, far off the daybreak call-hark! how loud and clear I hear it
Swift! to the head of the army!-swift! spring to your places,
Pioneers! O pioneers! 

(excerpts from Pioneers! O Pioneers! by Walt Whitman)

recipe source: The Pioneer Woman

Friday, August 26

Recipe Book

So, as I get ready to move I am attempting to compile a boatload of recipes to take with me. Recipes that are delicious, healthy, and inexpensive to make. Quite the tall order, I know.

But my question is this? How do you organize your recipes, and with what system? My mom puts print-outs in a binder, organized by appetizers, desserts, soups, but also by proteins.

I know some people prefer a recipe box, others just pull recipes up on their computer . . . I never know what will be the most efficient when it comes to the actual cooking.

Thoughts? Anyone? Bueller?